As we said earlier we provide an affordable service making you to feel you are in right place. The arrangement and creation of web pages that in turn make up a web site. There are many aspects to this process, and due to the rapid development of the internet, new aspects are continually being added. We delivers the following services:
- User interface design.
- Site layout design.
- Banner advertisement.
- HTML integration with databases.
- Logo designing.
Successful web page (created by us) grabs your visitor's attention and providing a comfortable website, which will capture the eye and is followed by a familiar and easy to navigate path.
Our design includes the following advantages
- Impact on Organization.
- Website design consistency.
- Compatibility of web browser.
- Optimization of website for quick downloading.
- Excellent interface design and navigation.
We develop the website with the features as:
- Website to communicate a lot of information.
- We bring your website as a powerful piece of marketing collateral.
- To fit all your information in a confined place.
- Making a site with clear, simple and easy to use.
Creativz create a web enabled software to utilize the internet for a variety of applications via internet for our suppliers. We can update and maintain web applications without distributing and installing software on potentially thousands of client computers is a key reason for our popularity.
Using the Internet as a means of communicating a company's messaging, attracting prospects and customers, and conducting market research is our key advantage. This will shorten the sales cycles and enhance your off-line marketing efforts. Optimization techniques, increase targeted traffic and improve perception of your offerings by developing compelling web material.
Our services allow your organization access to high performance with secure and easy-to-use web services. It can also co-exist with your existing corporate mailing systems. Reducing the costs of existing mail server makes you know that we have an experienced and trustworthy team.
The task of storing data in a database and retrieving that information from that data. This includes:
- Entering the data
- Modifying or Updating data
- Reporting or Manipulating the Data to provide useful information
We also look on data analysis, database design, data integration, data management, performance tuning, metadata creation, data extraction and reporting.
The e-commerce development make one organization online life span as:
- Organization mature with respect to the medium.
- The markets in which the organization competes change.
- The nature of the Internet and its technologies change.
Thus these environmental drivers force all organization to continually reassess their vision, strategy and e-commerce execution paths.
Our Portal development to your organization can enable:
- Timely and informed customer interactions.
- Increase customer satisfaction.
- Build strong and lasting relationships.
Our range of services includes portal design, portal architecture and framework development, portal integration, hosting and maintenance and security planning. Building upon open architecture and secure environments, we deliver seamless functionality to ensure a positive experience for all your users.
Outsourcing your software development will make your company to concentrate on your business and reducing operating costs and project overheads. Our software is independent of operating systems (Windows, Unix/Linux, Mac/OS).
We proud to say that we can also develop client/server with multitiered database applications. That can also be an web-enabled software as well as standalone desktop solutions.
We also support in your open source development. If you want any support on open source development please feel free to contact us.
Our software can effectively utilize the advantages of a localized web. Using the Intranets and extranets open effective channels of communication, distribution and interaction.
Organization can use this to solve problems in areas of
- Corporate document publication.
- Searchable corporate directories.
- Document Distribution.
- Software Distribution.
- Groupware applications.
- Inventory, sales and training.
Our application covers the elements of web site usability evaluation, including how to collect, validate and apply user culture data. We also create UI mock-ups with user interaction tests and analyze the results to help you design user interfaces. |